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Keto superstars share their secrets and tips


 The ketogenic diet has soared in popularity in recent years. And for good reason. Keto is well known for its benefits which include weight loss, maintains healthy skin and hair, improves digestion and more. 


The keto diet is a high-protein/low-carb food plan that features meat and seafood, eggs, nuts, and green vegetables. It sends the body into a state of ketosis, where it burns fat for energy instead of carbohydrates resulting in quick yet healthy weight-loss. 


As with any trend, many celebrities have jumped onboard the keto train. Here are some of the biggest names going  keto, and their little tips and secrets.




Halle Berry

Award winning actress Halle Berry is one of the most enthusiastic supporters of Keto. "I eat healthy fats all day long, avocado, oil, coconut oil and I use butter but don’t have any sugar.’ she told People magazine. your body gets trained to burn fats, it’s constantly on fat-burning mode - —that’s the secret.’ Berry children are also getting in on the Keto action -  her son and daughter. ages 4 and 10, enjoy a high-fat, low-carb lifestyle too.


Adriana Lima

Beauty Queen and Victoria’s Secret Angel Adriana Lima says she hardly eats any carbs. She also skips the fried junk but goes wild for steamed or grilled foods, and relies heavily on lean proteins and vegetables to maintain her toned frame.


LeBron James

Men too can enjoy the benefits of Keto. The star basketball player says he centred his diet on fruit and greens, as well as lean proteins such as meat and fish. By cutting out sugar, dairy, and carbs, Lebron James was able to lose, in his own words, ‘a ton of weight’ back in 2014.


Joyce Cheng

Local celebrity and singer Joyce Cheng was able to lose up to 20 pounds with a keto diet. ‘I had to avoid some of my favourite foods - especially noodles’ she told Sing Tao Daily. ‘But it was worth it’ she continues - ‘my keto diet paired with healthy exercise allowed me to slim down a lot since last December.’